Wednesday, March 28


I might as well start making
sketches for a movie-----
SHE is walking around in style, going to work
SHE is a warehouse specialist

“streets for rivers
buildings as mountains, this one a cliff
cars as fast running bulls” she thinks to herself

this one car here, this one is a shaman. A car/bull shaman
it speaks to HER
its name is SPECIAL K

“men are ghosts” says SPECIAL K. “Hello Maggie.
-Hello my friend. Am I a ghost too?
-Oh! you know you are not
-Oh! Thank you my friend. I have a question for you
-What is the quickest possible ordinary event?
-Thinking. Nothing moves faster than the mind
-But is that ordinary?
-But what about light?
-Light is fast. The mind is a sort of living light show

“Seriously, says Maggie. Consider gamma rays
­-Gamma rays are light
-I know. They have the shortest known wavelength: 10 e-14 meter
-That’s lonely short
-Lonely short indeed. Now how long does it take for a gamma ray photon to
move across it’s own diameter?
-Photons don’t have a size
-Okay, but what about the wavelength? How much time does it take for that
wave to move across that length?
-Well, the
speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second so
10 e-14 divided by that speed (if your photon is moving in a vacuum) gives you
the answer
-Okay, so that’s pretty fast, right? Can there be anything faster than that?
-Hardly, except for shorter wavelengths
-Then what’s the shortest possible wavelength?
-Asks Zarah. Also, ask her if she believes that the universe is synchronized
-What do you mean?
-I mean: When one photon moves, they all move
-I don’t get it
-She’ll understand. Also, ask her if she believes that time is continuous or
discontinuous. No steps, or little steps. One copy of the whole universe on each
-I don’t get that either
-It’s okay. Just ask Zarah”

-----so that’s dialog number one
who wants to play in the movie?

::: ::: :::

[Picture: Maggie looking for Special K by reading_is_dangerous]

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