Saturday, March 10


walking is great. The rhythm of my steps created music in my mind, a
concerto, and I am at the piano. When my fingers run on the instrument the
other guys keep quiet. That is anti-democratic music at its best, ha! ha! ha!

when you go to the desert, bring onions. They feed you. They
quench your thirst too. They are also light in weight. Rosemarine gave me a

there was a rock in the distance. “Good place for onion eating” in my
opinion, but it was two hours away, so my concerto just grew longer

on that rock was a crack (an etching?). It made a weird shape, and there was a sort of a
hand made drawing in the middle. “Is that blood?” was my first question. “What
does it mean?” was another one. It reminded me of somebody: LE DEMON
CHARBON, the Coal Demon

sleep took over me. There came a dream. “Time is three dimensional” told me
the demon. “Dimension one is {yesterday, now, tomorrow}
dimension two is a{yesterday, now, tomorrow} where a means ‘alternative’
dimension three is e{yesterday, now, tomorrow} where e means ‘eternity’
…so in the third dimension, everything and everywhen sits on zero.
-What are you doing here?” I asked. There was no answer

then there was a voice asking me for the rules of a game known as nardi. “I
promise to write them down” I heard myself say

that was a few hours ago. The desert is great. Walking is great. “When
you don’t know where you are going to, you better hurry” said one
truly famous Professor Shadoko

::: ::: :::

[Picture: Demon Charbon by reading_is_dangerous]

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