Friday, January 5


Yesterday, I decided to go take a few pictures.
That helps me to think
which helps me to write
which helps me to deal with everything that is
and that is not.

Painting bisons,
or imagined beasts
on the walls of their caves
the men of yesterday must have been doing just

So I came out
and into the cold: it’s minus ten degrees every day.

The first “thing” I saw was the sun in the clouds.
I took a picture of it
then I thought: what about a self-portrait?
As the picture was about to happen,
there was an
then a second one
then a third one.
It was an electric transformer. I guess it couldn’t bear it anymore: so
many people depending on it--poor old wires from the Soviet era.

What I find interesting is that I was going right there
where the transformer is. If not for the sun and that self portrait,
the explosion might have burned my nose very badly. Ha! ha! ha!

So it went up in flames, the transformer. People
told me not to approach it. I walked away. Ten
minutes later, a man in a Mercedes honked at me, asking me why
I was pointing my camera at a wall.

-Barev dzez, I told him. He asked me again what I was doing.
-Barev dzez, I told him once again. You don’t say “Barev dzez?” I asked him.
-Barev, barev, he finally told me. What are you doing?
-That’s not your business, I answered. I could see the man was
thinking hard: “Should I come out of my car
and into the cold, just to beat the crap out of that fool?”

-We’re going to take that house down, he told me.
-What difference does it make? I asked. I saw him thinking again. Ten
seconds later, he left. “He’s going to order a few big men to find me and
break my nose” I thought to myself. I walked away.


prehistoric men in their caves
with prehistoric women
keeping warm
for eight billion years

::: ::: :::

[Picture: Doors of happiness by reading_is_dangerous (Jan. 4, 2007)]

When I came home, there wasn’t electricity. The phone didn’t work. I thought about the secret that I've been keeping for ten years already: The plans for a free energy electric generator that really works. Should I build it? I ended up drinking whisky with a friend. It burned my throat, and this morning I woke up without a voice.


  1. I am very happy you were not hurt, either way.

    There are still cave houses fully functional. :)

  2. I find the same thing to be true. I have nothing to write about, no story, and then I take some pictures.
    Sometimes, I still have nothing to write about. But sometimes, I do. The pictures tell me what to say.

  3. Electricity
    gives sight
    or takes away.
    is frightening
    Or wondrous
    when it thunders.
    Leave through
    a door;
    turn around
    and view the door.
    Open the door;
    across the threshold,
    If it is the right door,
    there is the right floor.

