Monday, October 1


I saw a man with bright red pants,
And two girls eating vanilla cones,
And a tourist reading a map,
And three boys eating vanilla cones,
And a beggar asked me for a cigarette,
But I don’t smoke.

I saw a woman wearing a black t-shirt
Decorated with fake pearls sewn in the shape of
A fish,
And I saw five girls walking together,
Arm in arm,
And all were eating ice cream in a cone,
And at the corner of Mashtots’ Avenue
And Tumanyan Street,
I saw the stray dog that ressembles
A small German shepherd dog
And that dog is almost always there,
And it looked utterly depressed as usual,
And I didn’t dare talk to it as I sometimes do
Because I know its reaction is to bark joyfully
And that’s never a good idea for a stray dog to bark a lot
In the city.

A bit further down the street, I saw the ice cream seller,
And I thought,
“He’s aged a lot recently,”
And I asked myself,
“When was the last time I had ice cream in a cone?”
But I couldn’t remember.

::: ::: :::

[Picture: Birds by reading_is_dangerous]

1 comment:

  1. Belle rythmique. Le dessin est lugubre, mais, comme les précédents, toujours aussi complexe.
