Thursday, February 15


…what has not yet been said about love? I spent the day
thinking about it, asking myself those many questions: When
were the words _I love you_ uttered for the first time? Where?
How? Who said it first? A woman? A man? To

…a few minutes ago, I opened
a dictionary at random as I often do, my
eyes closed, hoping to put a finger on one word that might give me some insight
on the matter of love. The dictionary I chose is my
favorite: LE PETIT LITTRE by A. Beaujean, published in 1874, the concise
version of an earlier work by Emile Littré. The first word my finger found was:

incarnation (lat. incarnatio), sf. Action de la Divinité qui s’incarne; résultat de cette action. ◊ Absol. L’Incarnation, l’incarnation de Jésus-Christ (on met en ce sens un I majuscule). Dans la religion brahmanique, entrée des divinités en un corps humain ou animal. Les incarnations de Vishnou. ◊ En chir. Production de chair en réparation d’une plaie.

Instead of translating that into English, I’ll give you the key elements with a few extra thoughts or variants:

> the act of God becoming a man in the person of Jesus
> the result of that becoming
> the incarnation of Christ, meaning the Savior. Love is the savior or love saves
> (godly beings) alive in a human or an animal form
> new flesh produced by the body to heal a wound. In French, the word réparation also means compensation, so that last sentence in the French definition could read: The production of a new body in compensation for a wound.

::: ::: :::

[Picture: Saved by unknown photographer] (my title, B&W, and blur)

…skeletons unearthed last week were being scooped out of the earth to undergo tests before going on display in the northern Italian city of Mantua. The pair, buried between 5,000 and 6,000 years ago in the late Neolithic period, are believed to be a man and a woman who died young, because their teeth were found intact. Archaeologists working on the eve of Valentine's Day carefully began digging up the bones of the prehistoric couple on Tuesday, hoping to keep their embrace undisturbed forever. -Adapted from an Associated Press story by Ariel David, Feb. 13. 2007.

What is love without solitude? asked Stendhal in 1820. I recommend: Love (Penguin Classics)


  1. Yo Dangerous! You have been on a roll with magnificent offerings -- you must render your 360º's into a book. Give me a chance to be editor of blogs for guaranteed commercial success. I'll take your two cents to every net dollar and I will be rich (a decaration of my faith in your value as a commodity). Remember I was the first to offer, when your time comes (if I am).

    That putting the finger on a page activity....
    I wait for a book to climb out of a box in my storage space, open the door, walk over and jump on my desk, and slam itself open after picking up a pencil to write X marks the spot next to the word it wants me to....

    luv ya, man,


  2. -- from above,
    a dropped
    just landed.


    The photo and composition of this
    engrossing post, SAVED,
    brings to mind the ensuing literary passage.
    Do not read, if you are gravely gullible.
    Reading is dangerous.
    The following is not an advertisement:

    / "Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, 'O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! Thus says the Lord God to these bones: "Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. ..."'"

    So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone...but there was no breath in them.

    Also he said to me, "Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, 'Thus says the Lord God: "Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live."'" So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army. /
    - The [Judeo-Christian] Bible, Ezekiel chapter 37, verses 4 -10


  3. In the potentially classic sense, truly a handle "in a class of its own," please pardon the diacritical ommision.


    "Reading is dangerous."


  4. That idea is already taken for R. and has been in preparation, some months ago as a Gift.

    R. - Please do not put your 360º into a book to make monies ..ever. I am doing it for you as a sweet Gift and nothing more.

    'new flesh produced by the body to heal a wound'<- My favourite sentence.
