Sunday, December 2


this is the tree-horse
each leaf is a small theater in the open air
the plays are short and quick
because every now and then the phlantasnimal takes a run
oh! how it races!
oh! how it jumps!

and the plays abruptly ends
and many the tiny actors,
and many the equally tiny spectators,
many of them fall off from the tree-horse,
and on the trail! (be careful!)

my job is to search for those who fell off the leaves
and try and pick them up (with a spoon!)
before the night comes
before the tree-horse comes back

it always does,
because of the roots, you see?
nice tree-horse,

::: ::: :::

[Picture: The Tree-Horse by reading_is_dangerous]

excerpts from a book I just began to read

…when the true alchemist spoke of seeking for gold, he spoke of gold in the soul of man. And he called gold that which in the New Testament is called the Kingdom of Heaven, and in Buddhism, Nirvana. And when the true astrologer spoke of constellations and planets he spoke of constellations and planets in the soul of man, i.e., of the qualities of the human soul and its relations to God and to the world. And when the true Kabalist spoke of the Name of God, he sought this Name in the soul of man and in Nature, not in dead books, nor in biblical texts, as did the Kabalist-Scholastics. The Kabala, Alchemy, Astrology, Magic are parallel symbolical systems of psychology and metaphysics. Any alchemical sentence may be read in a Kabalistic or astrological way, but the meaning will always be psychological and metaphysical. […]

A symbol may serve to transfer our intuitions and to suggest new ones only so long as its meaning is not defined. Real symbols are perpetually in process of creation; but when they receive a definite significance they become hieroglyphs and finally a mere alphabet. As this they express simply ordinary concepts, cease to be a language of the Gods or of initiates and become a language of men which everyone may learn.

Properly speaking, a symbol in occultism means the same as in art. If an artist uses ready-made symbols his work will not be true art, but only pseudo-art. If an occultist begins to use ready-made symbols, his work will not be truly occult, for it will contain no esotericism, no mysticism, but only pseudo-occultism, pseudo-esotericism, pseudo-mysticism. Symbolism in which the symbols have definite meanings is pseudo-symbolism.

–P.D. Ouspensky,

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