Tuesday, December 11


time does not flow.

time is the nth dimension
where n-1 is the number of dimensions
across which a self-conscious system
can easily have an influence on its motion.

there could be an infinite number of dimensions
or just a very big number like 3,002,988
or only 22
or just five or six.

now! go stretch a bit,
take a warm shower,
have one cup of hot coffee,
work for an hour,
then go to that fax machine
and send that letter your loved ones have been waiting for.

::: ::: :::

[Picture: Letters by reading_is_dangerous]

"You — you really can see into the future?" said Constant. The skin of his face tightened, felt parched. His palms perspired.
"In a punctual way of speaking — yes," said Rumfoord. "When I ran my space ship into the chrono-synclastic infundibulum, it came to me in a flash that everything that ever has been always will be, and everything that ever will be always has been." - The Sirens of Titan, Kurt VONNEGUT


  1. Bravo j aime beaucoup

  2. Voila qui est interessant,
    et peut-être même ces cinq ou six dimensions auraient plusieurs formes de temps indénombrables ou ces milliards, n'en auraient qu'une ou deux.

    Une dimension:
    "c'est une guitare, qui joue sur une femme à six cordes !"
    disait un sablier. Une guitare aux cheveux longs, immensément longs.

    Allons chercher encore plus loin,
    en nous.

    Bravo à vous aussi Mr RID -
