Thursday, June 12


you take the Sun
it has sun rays
like in the drawings of little children

you take the Earth
it grows with people
and other living beings

and even this little snake
which I saw this morning
dead, killed
by the guardian man
that thin, dead line of a life
dead baby snake
it shines too
it makes the Earth grow

green hills have hearts
and eyes and mouths
and bandits
what's in the heart of a bandit?

sits under the Sun
or in your heart?

the hills have ordinary people too
the people have words,
en tout cas,
ça, c'est très bien

and if I am an intruder
if I am to think of myself as an intruder
then I would say
that the intruder is little more than just
a drop of rain

::: ::: :::

[Picture : Nicole by reading_is_dangerous]


  1. You take the rain,
    and the little clouds of dust that fly when the drops land on dusty soil.

    You take the Earth,
    that drinks your single drop and shoves up new growth to the sun.

    I'll take the time,
    and I'll keep these words though the image of money is lost on me.

  2. Just beautiful! Let it rain!

  3. AnonymousJune 12, 2008

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hohoho so much sweet good wishes …
    but that's life :
    sun burns
    snake is dead
    bandits kill while eating the green hill’s heart
    small people die speaking
    and you, small drop of rain,
    have you got faith
    and strength enough
    to go on falling
    till you become a usefull brook ?
    may be or maybe not !
    but you, you try ...
    and that is more important
    than the best wishes
    even than money
    for the health of Africa

  5. We could use some rain here, too, so feel free to drop by! :)

    Does the rain sing
    or does it simply
    make others sing, and
    dance and rejoice?
    The rain should sing.

    You take the sun,
    it sings.
    I know this is true,
    I heard it from the rain.

    You take the smallest
    of rain, and in it is
    reflected the world.

    The sun takes the rain.
    It does!
    The sun takes the rain
    on a spaceship cloud ride
    over forests that look like

    Tout le monde.
    You take maps, maps
    of the world.
    Look down! When you see a place
    where you want to drop,
    or where you don't want to drop
    but you need to drop,
    or they need you to drop,
    And you drop there.

    You take the pictures.
    And show us what you see.
    And tell us
    what your heart sees.

    Sing, raindrop.
    I want to hear it.

  6. AnonymousJune 14, 2008

    As always I enjoy your poems and postings and I am following your journey with great interest, but so far I don't think this would be my first choice for places to visit or live in. It feels scary. But once I got to know some people there I am sure I would feel differently. Cheery, LoisH

  7. AnonymousJune 14, 2008

    a beautiful but sad poem.
    a sad but beautiful mind.


  8. AnonymousJune 14, 2008

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. AnonymousJune 14, 2008

    This comment has been removed by the author.
