Wednesday, November 21


I dug out the man in me,
but he grew back

so I dug up all the roots,
removing everything,
any plant part,
all the man,
but it grew back again

so I set it on fire. It was burning…
in the thin flame I recognized myself

then I waited
sitting in the ashes, meditating


like the hunter I waited
like the cat, the dog, the toad, the spider

I waited
sitting in the ashes, meditating on a formula attributed to Hermes Trimegistus
by Blaise Pascal,
“God is a sphere of which the center is everywhere and its circumference nowhere.”

later (but what does later mean?) I saw that it was growing again
The man in me was growing again; I grew back, I reappeared: a phoenix.
They say this mythic bird can not stand anywhere, but at the center of the world.

thus I finally understood

::: ::: :::

[Picture: The sitting universe by reading_is_dangerous]

Translated from my original poem in French at the request of a friend. And here is the link for the wikipage on Hermes Trimegistus, the syncretism of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth.

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