Monday, November 5


your wall is a dragon.
A dragon is a wall

the magical creature used to live in a river or
under a mountain or
on a cloud,
but today it lives in your wall

you find it,
you kill it,
you eat it,
then you can grow yourself wings
and take off

She is there, up there,
and waiting for you: Isis

She gives you Her Gift,
then you come back home, changed

the resurrected dragon is again in the wall,
and strong,
and beautiful,
and waiting for the next time, the next step

::: ::: :::

[Picture: The Gift by reading_is_dangerous]


  1. Lost in your art,
    She found you
    beneath the sea,

    held you gently,
    heavy laden you were
    shows her beauty
    world unknown.

    your maid of the sea
    is holding you,
    in the mist green
    serenity, home.

    Living Words flowed with your art, The Art Captivated Me... long before the words.

    Always Nearby,
    Your Friend,
    Luucy Stone...Ly

    Macky had a link here to Tau P stated, "We shall find each other."

  2. The King gave credit
    to many,
    Appreciation holds
    such a merit, 'Tis priceless.
    Sincere gratitude
    for your kind words regarding friends...

    Dyxie Dymond*
