Thursday, January 24


I just read that the USA will likely be spending over a trillion dollars on defense in 2008 alone.
I also read that they suspended the recount of all ballots in the New Hampshire Democratic Primary election, despite the significant percentage variances (from 4 to 10%) discovered until ‘funds ran out’.

I can
’t resist, but to point out the absurdity of spending one trillion dollars to protect the republic, and its people, and their lifestyle, when the leaders of the same people will pretend that the nation cannot afford to pay for the simple, very important, recount of a few ballots.

We can go on, and believe that it still makes sense for Americans to go and cast their vote every once in a while, and to pay for their taxes (much of it serving the purpose of killing innocent people worldwide), and hope for world peace nonetheless... or we can try and call things by their name--but what name?

::: ::: :::

[Picture: The Old School by reading_is_dangerous]

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