Wednesday, January 16


in Yrr
they told me that,
the original function of our dreams
was to keep the brain
from completely shutting itself down
when it is in sleeping mode

thus a lion or another predator
that might come by—

would find you quickly back on your feet

in Yrr
they have this old saying,
‘Dreamers survive’
that can be understood in a mystical way,
like this:

the part of you that can survive death itself
is the dreaming part—
that is your soul—

so being dead means there is nothing left of you,
a dreaming soul,
a dreamer,
a dream.

::: ::: :::

[Picture : In Yrr by reading_is_dangerous]

1 comment:

  1. interesting story about dreams
    does make sense for survival that your brain is always awake to stand guard for you like a bodyguard.
    douth that it survive when you die
    but help you believe someone is taking care of you while you sleep like saying your prayer before you go to sleep.
