Friday, January 25


put all your ideas in a box
and wait

new ideas will surely come to you

then put the new ideas in a box
and wait some more time

new ideas will surely come to you
put them in a box too

keep doing this
until there is not a single idea left out

then what?

::: ::: :::

[Picture: Funny funnel by reading_is_dangerous]


  1. In a box, shake, shake for fermentation.
    The drink will be very sweet and effervescent/
    Effervescent lightness!!!

  2. Visual of box of thoughts
    merely a thought,
    touch of a dream
    add other opinions to the box,

    Patiently await
    as the box fills with thoughts
    Waste not time unecessary
    Always add to the box of thoughts.

    Dreams become Reality when one
    sees it as such,
    Perhaps thats what?

    Luucy Stone
    Fort Morgan Alabama
    ldbg cwellc

  3. when all ideas lay in their boxes
    what's left, what appears
    is only you, your true self,
    and not what you thought to be
    and then, you can choose and welcome the ideas you wanted to live with, to share, to love, to offer, to die for ...

  4. by Luucy Stone

    Mesmerize not with one simple opinion,
    Inclusive of your own.
    Complexity entangles as one tends
    to give excuse within,
    Self analysis is excellent
    for one with Strong Character,
    Being True to one's self.

    If not expressed in some format,
    Who hears this? Sees it?
    Say what you mean,
    Mean what you say...
    Perspective will expose Reality.
    Nothing to fear, gives one freedom.
    Issues are usually thin behind
    The blocked mind.

    Perspective of others can indeed
    Result in one's success or demise.
    Reveals strong or weak character
    when all is said and done.
    Stated countless times
    Actions speak louder than words.
    If words express actions,
    Better perspective is at hand.

    It is imperative to understand exactly
    Who you are, spend time with yourself
    for true analysis.
    Few minds ever reveal to another
    A naked soul, for it allows vulnerability.
    Unless of course one is content within.

    This is the goal for all to find.
    When one realizes it matters not,
    For your analysis has given absolute thought,
    "You know You".

    Words expressed, are not always grasping.
    Yet some hit directly, constructive criticism.
    Open your mind, allow other opinions to give
    Perspective of the one, from the many.
    A complete being.

    Luucy Stone*ldbg*
    Fort Morgan Alabama
