Friday, January 19


domesticating an animal specie
normally involves keeping only the less aggressive individuals

thus if your goal were to domesticate the human animal
you might try sending aggressive human individuals in huge numbers
to exterminate each other
just in time
before they could reproduce; over the course of ten
thousand years, you should see the results

…part of your human herd

willing to stay sitting on a chair
ten hours daily or more

happy, almost

::: ::: :::

[Picture: King of Clubs by unknown artist]

See the Queen of Clubs for a copy of what I post here, as well as many older posts. This site -here- features ads by Google that change with every entry. To check it out, click on any title in the archive section. It seems to work better on my blog in French: palestrique. Writing about the froid terrible that creeps every night into my home brought me ads for thermometers and freezers.

google crawler good
government crawler not good
poet be safe!


  1. I am curious about the 'government crawler'.

    'Sitting ten hours in a chair,' makes me feel like I have to go exercise. :| Guilty conscience.

    It is good when you give your readers the feeling that one needs to actually do something in Real-Time. Whatever it is from your writings that has/had sparked energy.

  2. i sit 12 houers :> onthe computer readint news and things
