Wednesday, January 28


dum da lee da
I need to reorganize words
into thoughts of my own
out of this world of violence and pain

dum da lee da
perhaps the shapes
perhaps the sounds
but not the meaning should lead my song

dum da lee da
dum da lee da
I can’t make it, I’m stuck with meaning and sense
my head wants to think normally

::: ::: :::

[Picture: A new age by reading_is_dangerous]


  1. lol, do not trust the brain, let your hand write free

  2. A great, introspective start! It goes very well with the picture you selected. Dum da lee da.

    My brother used to say that Normal is a setting on a washing machine.

    Normal, maybe, is feeling in a linear way. Maybe that is what thinking is, linear feeling. What then is art?

    You made me smile with your poem. Have a good day.


  3. Your mind is a Wonderland. Wander where you will. I know you have a good heart that will guide you to write what needs to be said, something nobody else but you could think of & say in your own inimitable style. And your own unique colors & shapes are dazzling & necessary, too. I worry that you worry too much about things that you can conquer only by living life the way you feel you should. There's a time for work & a time for play. One activity feeds the other. Laughter is good for your heart. Peace & Enjoy, my dear friend.

  4. Welcome to my world. ~.~

  5. Good Morning R_I_D,

    I read your blogs and often, like now, I am left wordless. Just a deep sadness that there are people so full of hate and justification that anything goes in their desire to hurt/destroy their fellow human beings. And a thankfulness that there are people like you who says, LOOK and know them for what they are.

    I could not do the job you are doing and hope that you have settled into its rhythm - only send you in return my thanks and blessings. Lois B

  6. our heads can't usually get
    what they want, can they?

    anyway, normal thinking
    is boring

    (but what is normal anyway?)

  7. Coming by to say hello and see how you are. Hope all is going well and Spring is starting to show signs that it is coming to greet you. (((Huggles))) LoisB

  8. Was thinking of you and hoping all is well in your world. Huggles. LoisB

  9. No. U don't have to be normal. I was writing in an old notebook about this thing a few minutes ago, when I wasn't knowing anything about your blog... really... Normality... in a superficial way - sux!

    The only thing that counts it's your imagination

    these are the words that brote me to your blog... I just wrote them on google... and somehow I get here

  10. AnonymousMay 24, 2009

    Waving hello as I come by yo wish you a most enjoyable walk into whatever adventure you are on wherever you are now.



  11. Interesting indeed...
    Ponders thought beyond visual
    Within expressions written...
    Words of merit flowing
    Minds reading...
    hope knowing...

    Excellent Piece! Always!
    Shall you be visiting?
    Welcomed guest you are...

    see the fin?

    Dyxie Dymond*ldbg
    Fort Morgan Alabama
    August 2009

  12. My head wants to think normally too.

    dum da lee da.

  13. Wondering where you are - we are missing you. Hope all is going well for you.
    Cheery, Lois
