Monday, January 5


In 1956, in Egypt, Henri Michaud wrote: 
« Combien de fois j’ai songé à vous ici sur cette terre qui unit vivants et morts. »

My translation:
“How many times have I thought of you here on this land which unites the living and the dead.”

Now a few words of mine:
Over there, black offerings
Dirty you and me
Rising without wings
Towards the Bloody Mountain god
He is the Father of fathers, the Lord of Shadows
This blue sky which separates
The living and the dead

::: ::: :::

Picture : Dirty you and me by reading_is_dangerous


  1. The picture with this is really good. Did you take this yourself, or did you come across this online? It is wonderful. This blue sky which separates the living and the dead.

    You have a good eye, and a good mind, and a good soul.

    Interesting quotes -- both the article at the bottom (true), and the Michaud quote. How many times have i thought of you?

    Have you read Martin Buber, by the way? I and Thou (sometimes called I and You). That just popped into my head.

    If we wish and hope and long for something long enough and hard enough, does that work? Not so far, not for peace anyway. Nor a good glass of red with a good friend.

    We do get rid of some unwanted shrubbery tomorrow though. How's that for progress? I'm doing the best I can over here...

  2. //The picture with this is really good. Did you take this yourself//

    Shortly after Christmas I walked a friend home at night, and going back home I took that picture of the lighting on the front wall of a restaurant in a little street in a neighborhood in Moscow. A few hundreds yards from there, there is a bridge for pedestrians, which leads to an island and the house where I live, beyond a little park called The Marsh.

    //Have you read Martin Buber//
    No. I will look into it.

    //a good glass of red with a good friend. //
    That will come.

  3. In Egypt I collapsed on a bed .. tired from too many miles and bad water. Upon waking I went to see the Grandfather choosing horse over spitting camel. I lost my mind in Egypt, staying out in the sand well past the time when one is suppose too. Hashish and mischief, talking unreal and real things, back against largest tomb...too much lotus and attar

  4. //I lost my mind in Egypt//

    Later somebody took my name.

  5. //Later somebody took my name.//

    someone already took ours, all of ours before i left, actually bailed (for a while) turtle island. a halfbreed you see, so i have mean and trader in me from the invaders. genocide and destruction runs through my bloodline passed down from one of my ancestors who loved wool, long knives, white sugar, white flour etc.

    As for the horse, i couldn't help myself, love them... we're a horse nation don't you know and also savages- eat dog

    chante wasteya nape ciyuzapelo
