Sunday, August 10


he opened his heart
and gave life
to countless thoughts

they opened his heart
and gave rise
to countless tears.

well, now
I feel lonelier

Photo: Mahmoud Darwish, a Palestinian poet (1941-2008)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. He left a lot of beautiful thoughts. Deep and clear like a river running over a bed of stones. That river will run on for a long time, and the stones it passes over will retain their beauty. I like stone, you know, and wet stone is always so much richer in color and light. For some reason, the many poems of Darwish that I have read on Edita's site make me think of his words as water that keeps stones glistening wet, and beautiful. And I don't know why that image comes to me, but it does. I was sorry to hear of his passing.

  3. Reading his work (above), and your elegy - I will have to add him to the list.

    (Thing about you, friend -- I always learnd something new).

    We must have a chess game some day.


  4. he knows the words
    for things we often cannot say
    or don't know how to say

  5. The news of Mahmoud Dawish's passing was such a shock - It seemed I had only just found him on Edita's pages and was entranced and now he has gone!
    I think of a line of his from his poem Low Sky "...My gifts are larger than I am / eat my wheat / and drink my wine / my sky is on my shoulders and my earth is yours.//

    I have been away longer than I first thought but all is well now and it has been a delight, as always, to catch up on your pics, thoughts and poems on your blogs.

