Sunday, February 24


I am the blanket of you.
The orange-warmth.
Your hand.

My Self decomposes itself.
Flies away.
Is the Wind.

Under the Moon I saw your face.
Canopy face.
Jungle moths most beautiful.

Your eyes like tornadoes.
When you sleep—the treasure of you I keep
As a dragon.

A drum I beat,
For you.
To wake you up after death.

I am the blanket of you.
Your safety net.
Your hand.

You will not fry.
You will not fry.
You will not fry.

::: ::: :::

[Picture: The blanket of you by reading_is_dangerous]


  1. Rayon du Soleil brûlant.

    La Lune se reflète grâce au Soleil.

    A- "Cautious Bond Poem"

  2. I love the image, & the poem is a wonder. It was so warm here today, I noticed a yellow butterfly out for a flight in the spring singing wind. Be Blessed.

  3. yes, this is so beautiful, the sounds of it, too, powerful evocations. but why the frying image at the end, why fry, not die or cry...

    you will not fry
    you will not cry
    you will not die
    you will not
    not in vain
    not without a flutter
    of the moths'
    frail wings
