Friday, August 10


I always heard that
Dropping atomic bombs on two
Japanese cities in 1945 helped put an
End to World War II, and
saved countless lives

but I was still a young boy when
I asked myself: Why cities? and why two?

why didn’t they drop the bombs on a little “empty” island, an
Empty field? They could have invited Japanese officials to witness the event

yesterday I read:

Truman defended his decision to drop the atomic bombs on civilians […] despite the objections of top military figures, including Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, who contended that the war would end quickly without dropping the bomb.


His White House was fully informed that the Japanese were on the verge of collapse. -The Terror America Wrought by Robert Scheer, August 8, 2007

the two bombs killed 370,000 people. In
My opinion, it really was a message delivered to the
Whole world, and it meant: “SEE! WE ARE

I think of gangsters when they kill each other in imaginative
Ways, to frighten the competition, to terrorize them

but let’s come back to the “it helped stop the war” explanation, and
Consider this:

much like Japan was losing the war in the Pacific, the
US army is now losing the war in Iraq

so should the Iraqi resistance commanders
Detonate nuclear bombs in two enemy cities to save lives by
Forcing a quick American retreat?

what about Los Angeles (it could be seen as a propaganda center)
Or Beijing (are the Chinese not helping to finance the war?)

but do bombs ever put an end to wars? After
All, didn’t the so-called Second World War continued itself in
Korea, in Vietnam, in Africa, in South America… moving on to Afghanistan, to
The Balkans, to the Persian Gulf…

what is my point? That we
Shouldn’t delude ourselves. Two
Atomic bombs were not dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to
Put an end to the war

no bomb can ever put an end to war. That’s
Not what bombs are good for

today, the US army uses ammunitions made with depleted uranium
“Depleted” might sound like “okay, weak stuff”, but who knows? It is radio-
active, and its half-
life is more than four BILLION years

we should order
ORDER our servant leaders in all countries to destroy all nuclear bombs and
Ammunition, before the stupid ones turn the whole planet into a empty field

empty of grass, even

::: ::: :::

[Picture: The Empty Field by reading_is_dangerous]

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