Sunday, July 6


it's two US dollars to travel on top of a truck
from Rutshuru to Goma

it's thirty dollars for a two rooms apartment
in Goma; for two weeks

it's fifty dollars for a girl,
the whole night

it's a hundred and twenty dollars
for a watchman, the month

it's $40 for the wooden mask,
made locally, smiling

it's $15 for a meal at Doga, steak
French fries, avocado (two hours wait)

it's one dollar a day for a worker in the field
under the killing sun

it's $15,000 or more for the medical drugs
required to treat somebody with multiresistant tuberculosis

::: ::: :::

[Picture: The dust of you by reading_is_dangerous] (On the road to Rutshuru, June 2008)


  1. AnonymousJuly 07, 2008

    bravo Reading,comme toujours,tu nous donnes l heure juste avec des mots des phrases,qui nous font voir la realite de cette vie

  2. men always count and count with their own made up numbers whether they are true does not matter even if they shall never find the right score and know very well they 're out in the depths

    and so when Death submits the real bill
    who will pay for our selfishness ?
    alas, not only humankind but Life and Earth
    think of it, when you become a buyer or a seller ...

  3. Thanks for laying it out so clearly. I would dare to add: It's 50 million $ to build a big plane to drop bombs on people.

  4. What is the price to know if a dear friend is ok?

  5. AnonymousJuly 18, 2008

    Interesting, the dollar amounts applied to various goods and some are so far out of reach for so many.

    Priceless, the amount is, for a little happiness and peace of mind...the rarest of finds...a little "heaven on Earth."

    Hope you are well. :)
