Saturday, August 2


at the center of a field, wild flowers
one thousand species of singing birds

singing birds, yes, but also flying
changing trees of bells, flutes and violons

the song is always changing
but it is always around you, about you

you are so happy
you can jump, almost fly like them birds

so you do
reach the stars, touch the moons

jump and jump, until the other end of the galaxy
there, a forgotten temple !

a cup of alien wine !
and its guardian, a sleeping leopard

ok, you try it, take the cup
big cat is sleeping

nice, you drink the wine
cherry chocolate, leopard still asleep

you feel already drunk
funny cat, sleep and sleep

you fall asleep
what happens next? I will tell you

leopard awakes at last
stretching and more stretching

big green eyes, look at you
my god, you are deep asleep

now the cat with a jump leaves that place
comes back to Earth

singing birds and flowers
under the Sun, but where are you?

at the other end of the galaxy
in a forgotten temple, there is you

a cup of alien wine
and its guardian, the sleeping you

::: ::: :::

Picture: Moon Leopard

Poem heavily modified on August 26, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. I like silly poems
    they make me smile

    I like the picture too
