Sunday, June 29


Raven was getting older
around the eyes
and at the wing tips

but the hunger remained the same
every day when the Sun came
and when the Sun left
across the sky of Youth and Old

at night the bird thought of days
he thought of his thoughts
wondered about truth, what possible truth

truth under your wings
in the thickness of the air
in what is before you
in what has been lost

Raven was hungry yes
for meal and truth
perhaps also for yesterday

::: ::: :::

Picture: And that felt fine by reading_is_dangerous 

In Nianzale


  1. AnonymousJune 30, 2008

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. AnonymousJune 30, 2008

    A raven, eating scraps from the table of time...

    Thanks for a great idea!

  3. I really love this one

    each feather of this raven a truth
    each fly of this raven a world
    each cry of this raven a thought
    falling from the sky of yesterday,
    but never for naught

    time hungry for more
    life to be cherished
    time hungry for more
    love to be offered
    in the arms of the spinning circle
    till tomorrow becomes
    true, once more.

  4. AnonymousJuly 02, 2008

    //in the arms of the spinning circle till tomorrow becomes true, once more.//

    Really loved this poem and especially those lines.

    I am going to be away from home for the next 6-7 weeks, but hope that I'll be able to visit your page sometimes during then. If not, travel well friend.

    Hugs. LoisH

  5. The hunger for truth, what meal can ever satisfy it?

    I really liked this poem of the raven, and of the sun leaving for new lands where youth lives. Every morning, I suppose, is your youth for the day. We wake younger than we'll be at days end. And some days add more to your age than others do. Magical days, those are the ones I love, magical days make you feel younger at the end than you did in the beginning. You have had those magical days. May you have many more...

