Saturday, January 19


in Toktumeh
I learned the language of the street

over there, a cobble said
this way, a curbstone said
follow me, the gravel said
she went that way, a manhole said

later the pavement told me
you were gone—out of the city

where to?
Ask the road! the gutter exclaimed

I gave to it the rose I had chosen for you

::: ::: :::

[Picture: In Toktumeh by reading_is_dangerous]

1 comment:

  1. if you listen to roads
    you have to be patient
    cause roads made of stones
    won’t tell you anything if you hurry up
    it's just human feet who always want to run
    so I ask to yours and mine
    how could we hope to be found
    if we're always moving away ?
