Thursday, July 19


“I don’t wear clothes like these.” Stringhetta said
She was examining Mr. Oteh’s newest painting

“you’re right,” Mr. Oteh said. “Maybe that isn’t you?”
“She sure looks like me, though, a bit.” Stringhetta said

she had made herself a skirt, kind of
With a bunch of shuttlecocks bundled together on a copper wire

otherwise she was naked
And sexy

“did you went by that hollow again?” Mr. Oteh asked
He was referring to a certain hole we wrote about earlier

“no.” Stringhetta said
“Those [the shuttlecocks] I brought with me when I came here.” she said

“you are going to hurt yourself badly with that wire.” Mr. Oteh said
“You should replace it with a string of something.”

“I had a dream, this morning.” Stringhetta said
“Want to hear it?”

well, Mr. Oteh never said no to dream telling

there was this old video game
You were the pilot of a fighter plane

your task was to shoot down other planes
fighter planes, commercial flights

the game was built with real footage, but
The pictures were faded and everything looked ancient

after playing the game a bit
Stringhetta saw there was a bar with people sitting

she joined them
And listened to their conversation

one man’s head was like that of a golden retriever
He was saying: “Those seagulls that feed on French fries

turn fat
And they are becoming sterile, too.”

“French flies?” a woman said. Her head was a pear
“FRIES.” Mr. Retriever said

“So they’ll vanish, and there won’t be left seagulls that feed
On them French fries anymore.” Ms. Pear said

she rescued a fly that was trying to swim
In her glass of tomato juice

“they started to dig mass graves in Ibaq, because too many
People die.” Mr. Retriever said

“the difference between Gitler and Fush,” Ms. Pear said, “is
That Gitler never pretended he was elected.”

“Is that true?Mr. Retriever asked. “Anyway, what can we do?”
“You are so handsome.” Ms. Pear said

they kissed
Just as a miniature elephant came running down the bar

the animal looked like it had a wound on the neck
An open cut, it was, in the shape of a cross

“it’s bleeding.” Ms. Pear said
“Nothing is free.” Mr. Retriever said

“What you choose to ignore today,” Mr. Retriever said
“You will pay for tomorrow.”

meanwhile the elephant was bleeding. . . like a full size elephant
Soon there was blood all over
, and everybody drowned

“Bad baddo bad baddo dream.” Mr. Oteh said
“I know.” Stringhetta said

“stay away from that hole.” Mr. Oteh said
“I will.” Stringhetta said

::: ::: :::

[Picture: A woman by reading_is_dangerous]

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